End of School - Next is University

So, this month I had my last secondary education exams and a celebration about it. I don't feel myself very nostalgic about it, but maybe I haven't understood it well yet.

But now I am already preparing myself to university. Actually, I wanna archive best results there, so my plan is to work hard. I am enrolling at PJATK for Computer Science degree (If anyone also applies to this uni this year or even to CS in another uni, I would be happy to talk about it. Let me know if you do any preparation and how do you feel about it.)

Maybe prep before uni is not the smartest idea, but I am that type of guy who wants to work a lot and this is a way for me to archive this and tell myself that this summer won't be wasted. I am learning Calculus, Linear Algebra, Java and C++ on more detailed scale (I have already knew coding for a while, but I want to deep dive into languages this time)

And, of course, don't forget about fun, because summer is made for it :) Would be happy to receive any mails, it is always nice to make new acquaintances

28 June 2024

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